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motivational reads

Is reading really therapeutic? Can it be used to help with your mental wellbeing? check out why we think it can via @tbookjunkie

Reading as Therapy

These days it is easy to find a therapist because of online solutions like But did you know that picking up a book could be therapeutic as well? There are several mental health benefits to reading that are backed up by mounting scientific evidence. Reading is great for the…

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Positively Wealthy by Emma Mumford is a guide to manifesting the life we deserve. A life of wealth and abundance.

Review: Positively Wealthy by Emma Mumford

This isn’t just another book about getting rich quick, but how to make your entire life rich and fulfilling. This is a book that highlights the need to move away from get-rich-quick schemes and pyramid programmes. Neither does Emma advise you to go out and spend a fortune on life…

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